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My new book bQUICK® Coaching available now!

Business Performance Programmes

Working your magic

Just thought I’d share how things have gone since we came down to you and you worked your magic! The team has truly pulled together and the difference has been amazing. We’ve shared the charter, shared the photos and made sure we hold each to account. All of us have felt the benefit of being part of a team. We were united in a way I haven’t experienced before.

Group CEO
Livv Housing
Setting the tone and the standard

Lisa, you set the tone and the standard for the RICS Centre….we supported you as best we could…some of us on a very steep learning curve. But we made it a success and as a team we should rightly be proud of that achievement…we gave our candidates what they needed to achieve their goals.

RICS coordinator
Ordnance Survey
Expertly facilitated

The course was expertly facilitated by Lisa and her team and provided a very creative way to challenge our self-perceptions and some fundamental beliefs in leadership and rapport. I highly recommend Lisa as a facilitator and leadership consultant.

Pink Entertainment
A truly enriching experience

We have used Lisa for training and team-building events across departments over the last couple of years and have reaped benefits both in terms of personal development, self-awareness, and adding value to the business. Lisa’s expert knowledge, skill, and naturally empathetic style engages the team in such a way as to get maximum input and receptiveness to the learning experience. A truly enriching experience.

HR Manager
Interest, sincerity and communication

We were impressed from the day we started interacting and Lisa only got us more impressed by the end of the training. The strengths were visible from the precise depth and discipline of interest, sincerity and communication; to understand our desired outcomes, to aligning the program, to our needs and challenges, to the confidence to deliver in front of a large group of people from a completely different world. Commendable!

Synthes India
Lisa is a key business partner

Lisa has been training our staff for about 20 years – she has had a fundamental impact on the growth of our business. She is a key partner who we discuss the future direction of our business because firstly she is a great sounding board, but also because the training programme helps us achieve our goals. It takes a lot to impress me and recommend others. I have no hesitation giving Lisa five stars!

Young Group
Improved confidence at work

Thanks for an amazing couple of days last week – the team really enjoyed it and are already deploying some of what they have learnt. I’ve definitely seen a uptick in their confidence already.

Operations Manager
We Are Kin

NLP Programmes

Interesting and insightful, inclusive and fascinating

You have such a fantastic way of leading a session, making it interesting and insightful, inclusive and fascinating. I really enjoyed the day and of course your lovely home is a perfect setting for the training. Rediscovering NLP with you has been one of the highlights of my later years with EY and I am going to adopt your lead of considering the Pause, Possibilities and Purpose as I move from my life long home at EY into the next exciting phase of my life. You always teach me something new!

Ernst & Young
Life changing experience

Just wanted to thank you both for the life changing experience! I had a session with a client yesterday and thought “I might as well put this NLP into practice”. So I started using the clean questions (of a fashion). At first I thought where is this going (down a one way street) and the client was looking puzzled as it was very different to my usual style. Anyway I stuck with the process and Eureka what insights! The metaphors came in numbers. The client (and me!) had great insights. He realised that the language he had been using didn’t reflect what he meant and he realised the impact this was having on his own feelings thoughts and behaviours as well as on his interactions with others. He totally reset his underlying beliefs.

Executive Performance Coach
The best course I have ever been on

Lisa’s NLP course was undoubtedly the best course I have ever been on. Everything she planned and delivered was so engaging and interactive that I had no idea that I was even capable of being interested and attentive for 8 hours. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing complex knowledge in such a people friendly and easy to understand way. I have come away with so much, but three life skills in particular that are going to be so useful.

Coast-Hair, Spain
It comes from the heart

Lisa is the most fabulous trainer. There was a lot of flexibility in the session yesterday that was effortless from an attendee perspective and ensured everyone took away valuable learnings from the day. What makes it so wonderful is that you give so much of yourself and it comes from the heart.

Mediator and Author
Profound insights and practical strategies

Lisa’s expertise and delivery style enabled me to gain profound insights and practical strategies that will help transformed how I approach both my personal and professional life. The discussions were engaging and thought-provoking and I have gained valuable self-awareness and learned to leverage my strengths better than before. I’m immensely grateful for the invaluable lessons and newfound confidence it has instilled in me. Chicken soup for the soul!

HR Manager
2 Sisters

Horses for Courses®

So many parallels with personal and professional relationships

The opportunity to interact with creatures with no “baggage” in their willingness or otherwise to co-operate allowed me to draw so many parallels with my personal and professional relationships. Thank you for a life changing experience.

Robert Horne
Amazing combination of horsewomanship and NLP learning

Lisa is a master with horses and in working with them to help us to develop our confidence and awareness of the effect of our total communication. She has an amazing combination of horsewomanship and NLP learning.

NLP Author and International Trainer
Centred, focussed and confident

I have had limited exposure to horses at close quarters and although I approached the day with an open mind, I must admit to feeling sceptical and a bit nervous about working with horses. I am now much more aware of the need to feel physically balanced and congruent and this has helped me in projecting a calm and grounded demeanour. I drove away from the day feeling centred, focussed and confident.

Brain Tumour Research
Consistency, assertiveness and respect

I loved the work you did at the conference with the horses, you were outstanding. You facilitated a thought provoking session emphasising the key leadership qualities of consistency, assertiveness and respect. I now realise why staff don’t always naturally and religiously follow.

Academy of Chief Executives
Insightful, inspiring, rewarding

Working with the horses was magical. There were great links to real life leadership situations .. thank you for a wonderfully fun and powerful day. Insightful, inspiring, rewarding!

HR Director UK, UIS, Nordic
Philips Electrical UK Ltd
There was no hiding place

It was fascinating …communicating and coaching to someone who doesn’t speak in your language …. I found it extremely rewarding and I drove home with a smile on my face .
There was no hiding place …The horses behaved exactly how you treated them ….you couldn’t fake your relationship. I would recommend it and it took coaching to a new place for me …

UK Sales Director
Out of the box thinking

The facilitators both equine and human were fantastic. I loved “the out of the box thinking”, which challenged my beliefs. The debrief session with live business scenarios has given me new strategies to handle some of my business issues.

Winkworth Franchising

Personal Performance Coaching

Passionate about developing potential

Lisa is an inspiring and personable coach who has helped me develop my business over the last nine years. Lisa is very passionate about developing a person’s potential and I can highly recommend her as a trainer and personal coach.

Melting away my limiting beliefs

I am buzzing. I’m told I look like a different person today, and I can feel my limiting beliefs away melting away. I’ve been spotting some of the language patterns we discussed and I’ve even checked out our company’s marketing materials to ensure we are communicating what we really intend.

Exploring new perspectives

Lisa’s coaching capability is superb. On the back of her expert and insightful coaching I have taken some immediate steps forward on a project that I thought had come to a screeching halt. This has the potential to alter the course of a major business activity – and these new possibilities are due to Lisa’s ability to help me explore perspectives and see new interpretations I would not otherwise have considered. Brilliant!


bQUICK® Coaching

A coaching process which transforms lives

Lisa Brice is a truly remarkable coach, combining myriad techniques to create a coaching process which transforms lives. I’m delighted she is sharing her bQUICK® model with the world, empowering others to develop themselves and their colleagues through this insightful model. This is certainly a model I will be promoting with my clients!

Director of Youth Leadership
Inspirational Development Group
This book will transform your life

A quick read that mirrors the bQUICK® model. This book will transform your life as a leader, manager and even a parent. Lisa has made a potentially complex subject clear, easy to understand and available to everyone.

Executive and Outdoor Coach
Learn to be a better leader

Well I wish I had been given this book when I first had team leadership responsibility! The ideas and processes in this book would have helped me no end to learn to be a better leader and coach much more quickly and with better insight

Simplicity and accessibility

I love the simplicity and accessibility of this book and the bQUICK® Coaching model – it really can be used by anyone. It contains many golden nuggets and is a great resource you can pick up and access whenever you’re looking for a quick prompt or reminder. Another gem from Lisa Brice!

Change Consultant and Coach
Solves one of the biggest barriers to coaching

This little book potentially solves one of the biggest barriers to a coaching leadership style – the ‘I don’t have time’ deflection. The bQUICK® model shows how anyone can start to coach their teams and people right now and the great outcomes that can flow from that change. Insightful and timely.

Leadership Writer and Speaker
Dramatic influence from culture to profits

The bQUICK® Coaching Model has transformed the way we run our business. The model is quick, effective, and versatile. I have personally used it in 1-1 situations with numerous employees and have witnessed immediate huge positive changes. Rolling the bQUICK® Coaching Model out in our business has created a solution focused culture of coaching throughout that has our employees feel empowered and valued. This has had a dramatic influence in the business as a whole, from culture to profits.

Group Director
Back & Body Clinics
Let’s talk about | SMART CHOICES
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